Why is “Fortnite: Battle Royale” so Popular?

Image result for fortnite battle royale cool picturesWhen Epic games released their brand new game, “Fortnite: Battle Royale” most fans of the battle royale genre lost their minds. I mean PUBG, one of the greatest games of the year, combined with building aspects is destined to be a hit. Months later, Fortnite is bringing players back day after day to play this cartoony shooter. But the question is, why?

One of the major pieces is probably the media. Hundreds of thousands of gameplay videos fill the popular YouTube which brings in more players to the game. Popular youtubers such as Ali-A, Muselk, and FaZe clan post videos that get thousands of views showing off how amazing the world of Fortnite is. Which intrigues gamers into the game.

Another reason of its popularity is the graphics. The cartoon style design is crisp and well made. Which for all those graphics addicts out there is a major bonus.

Lastly, the pure excitement of “Battle Royal” a “Hunger Games” style gamemode where players must scavenge for tools throughout the massive map. You must strategically build to attack or defend from other players.Last one alive, wins.

Hope you enjoyed the article. For more, come back weekly.

-Lil’ Big Guy


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