Terraia with friends is unbeliveable…

Just like everygame, terrraia is more fun with friends. Like, really fun. The minecraft style sandbox game that is terraria is already insanely fun. But with online buddies it gets crazy.

Yesterday after starting a online party, my friends noticed i was playing “Terraria”. They started to trash talk the game until one looked it up on the PS store. he then decided to buy the game to play with me.

Now its his favorite game. And i don’t blame him. Heres why. First off, the sheer amount of items, bosses, weapons, blocks, and biomes that are in the game is mindblowing. Secondly, the amount of things you can just do in the game is crazy. Then take all that and include your friends in the whole deal, and youve got yourself one great game.

-Lil’ Big Guy

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