
terrariaNow, most likely your first reaction to this name will be, “What?!?”. That Is a perfectly fine answer. Soon that will not be your answer…

Terraria is a game I have been playing for about 2 years. Some say it is minecraft gone phsyco. Some say it’s a ripoff of minecraft. I say its its own game all together. Okay, so terraria is a sandbox game with a little bit for everybody. Theres building for the architects, fighting for the heros, guns for the shooters, and ofcourse fishing for the fishermen.

To survive the game you must use all of these items. In the begining its just you and  the pixelated wold infront of you. Then it turns to night… You then realize you are not the only being on the large world of Terraria…

You must mine, build, craft, and fight your way to the top of the world. In the begining of the game you will personaly design your own little character to play will the whole time. Then you will name your guy and choose a world size. This changes the gameplay greatly, so choose wisely.

As you begin your gameplay you must quickly build a home to stay in. Then you must mine, and mine, and more mining. That is one of the most important parts of the game so take it seriously. Then you just fight and build till you are the best in the land!

I would reccomend this game to anybody within the age range of 14-5 years.

-Henry Pope IV